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آخر الحلقات عن منتجات جوجل

المشاركات الشائعة

عن الموقع



الأحد، 21 يونيو 2009

Windows Anti-Debug Reference

This paper classifies and presents several anti-debugging techniques used on Windows NT-based operating systems. Anti-debugging techniques are ways for a program to detect if it runs under control of a debugger. They are used by commercial executable protectors, packers and malicious software, to prevent or slow-down the process of reverse-engineering. We'll suppose the program is analyzed under a ring3 debugger, such as OllyDbg on Windows platforms. The paper is aimed towards reverse-engineers and malware analysts. Note that we will talk purely about generic anti-debugging and anti-tracing techniques. Specific debugger detection, such as window or processes enumeration, registry scanning, etc. will not be addressed here.

[1] Intro

This paper classifies and presents several anti-debugging techniques used on Windows NT-based operating systems.
Anti-debugging techniques are ways for a program to detect if it runs under control of a debugger. They are used by commercial executable protectors, packers and malicious software, to prevent or slow-down the process of reverse-engineering.

We'll suppose the program is analyzed under a ring3 debugger, such as OllyDbg on Windows platforms. The paper is aimed towards reverse-engineers and malware analysts.
Note that we will talk purely about generic anti-debugging and anti-tracing techniques. Specific debugger detection, such as window or processes enumeration, registry scanning, etc. will not be addressed here.

[2] Anti-debugging and anti-tracing techniques

- Exploiting memory discrepancies

(1) kernel32!IsDebuggerPresent
IsDebuggerPresent returns 1 if the process is being debugged, 0 otherwise. This API simply reads the PEB!BeingDebugged byte-flag (located at offset 2 in the PEB structure).
Circumventing it is as easy as setting PEB!BeingDebugged to 0.
call IsDebuggerPresent
test eax, eax
jne @DebuggerDetected

(2) PEB!IsDebugged

This field refers to the second byte in the Process Environment Block of the process. It is set by the system when the process is debugged.
This byte can be reset to 0 without consequences for the course of execution of the program (it is an informative flag).

mov eax, fs:[30h]
mov eax, byte [eax+2]
test eax, eax
jne @DebuggerDetected

(3) PEB!NtGlobalFlags

When a process is created, the system sets some flags that will define how various APIs will behave for this program. Those flags can be read in the PEB, in the DWORD located at offset 0x68 (see the reference).
By default, different flags are set depending if the process is created under a debugger or not. If the process is debugged, some flags controlling the heap manipulation routines in ntdll will be set: FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_TAIL_CHECK, FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_FREE_CHECK and FLG_HEAP_VALIDATE_PARAMETERS.
This anti-debug can be bypassed by resetting the NtGlobalFlags field.

mov eax, fs:[30h]
mov eax, [eax+68h]
and eax, 0x70
test eax, eax
jne @DebuggerDetected

(4) Heap flags

As explained previously, NtGlobalFlags informs how the heap routines will behave (among other things). Though it is easy to modify the PEB field, if the heap does not behave the same way as it should when the process is not debugged, this could be problematic. It is a powerful anti-debug, as process heaps are numerous, and their chunks can be individually affected by the FLG_HEAP_* flags (such as chunk tails). Heap headers would be affected as well. For instance, checking the field ForceFlags in a heap header (offset 0x10) can be used to detect the presence of a debugger.

There are two easy ways to circumvent it:

- Create a non-debugged process, and attach the debugger once the process has been created (an easy solution is to create the process suspended, run until the entry-point is reached, patch it to an infinite loop, resume the process, attach the debugger, and restore the original entry-point).

- Force the NtGlobalFlags for the process that we want to debug, via the registry key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options": Create a subkey (not value) named as your process name, and under this subkey, a String value "GlobalFlags" set to nothing.

mov eax, fs:[30h]
mov eax, [eax+18h] ;process heap
mov eax, [eax+10h] ;heap flags
test eax, eax
jne @DebuggerDetected

(5) Vista anti-debug (no name)

Here's an anti-debug specific to Windows Vista that I found by comparing memory dumps of a program running with and without control of a debugger. I'm not sure of its realiability, but it's worth mentionning (tested on Windows Vista 32 bits, SP0, English version).

When a process is debugged, its main thread TEB, at offset 0xBFC, contains a pointer to a unicode string referencing a system dll. Moreover, the string follows this pointer (therefore, located at offset 0xC00 in the TEB). If the process is not debugged, the pointer is set to NULL and the string is not present.

call GetVersion
cmp al, 6
jne @NotVista
push offset _seh
push dword fs:[0]
mov fs:[0], esp
mov eax, fs:[18h] ; teb
add eax, 0BFCh
mov ebx, [eax] ; pointer to a unicode string
test ebx, ebx ; (ntdll.dll, gdi32.dll,...)
je @DebuggerNotFound
sub ebx, eax ; the unicode string follows the
sub ebx, 4 ; pointer
jne @DebuggerNotFound
;debugger detected if
it reaches this point


- Exploiting system discrepancies

(1) NtQueryInformationProcess
ntdll!NtQueryInformationProcess is a wrapper around the ZwQueryInformationProcess syscall. Its prototype is the following:

NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQueryInformationProcess(
IN HANDLE ProcessHandle,
OUT PVOID ProcessInformation,
IN ULONG ProcessInformationLength,
OUT PULONG ReturnLength

When called with ProcessInformationClass set to 7 (ProcessDebugPort constant), the system will set ProcessInformation to -1 if the process is debugged.
It is a powerful anti-debug, and there is no easy way to circumvent it. However, if the program is traced, ProcessInformation can be modified when the syscall returns.

Another solution is to use a system driver that would hook the ZwNtQueryInformationProcess syscall.
Circumventing NtQueryInformationProcess will bypass many anti-debug techniques (such as CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent or UnhandledExceptionFilter).

push 0
push 4
push offset isdebugged
push 7 ;ProcessDebugPort
push -1
call NtQueryInformationProcess
test eax, eax
jne @ExitError
cmp isdebugged, 0
jne @DebuggerDetected

(2) kernel32!CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent

This API takes two parameters: a process handle, and a pointer to a DWORD. If the call is successful, the DWORD value will be set to 1 if the process is being debugged.
Internally, this API calls ntdll!NtQueryInformationProcess with ProcessInformationClass set to ProcessDebugPort (7).

push offset isdebugged
push -1
call CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
test eax, eax
jne @DebuggerDetected

(3) UnhandledExceptionFilter

When an exception occurs, with Windows XP SP>=2, Windows 2003, and Windows Vista, the usual way the OS processes the exception is:

- If any, pass control to the per-process Vectored Exception Handlers.
- If the exception is not processed, pass the control to the per-thread top SEH handler, pointed by FS:[0] in the thread that generated the exception. SEH are chained and called in turn if the exception is not processed by the previous in the chain.
- If the exception has not been processed by any of the previous handlers, the final SEH handler (set by the system), will call kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter. This function will decide what it should do depending if the process is debugged or not.
- If it is not debugged, it will call the user-defined filter function (set via kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter).
- If it debugged, the program will be terminated.

The debugger detection in UnhandledExceptionFilter is made with ntdll!NtQueryInformationProcess.

push @not_debugged
call SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
xor eax, eax
mov eax, dword [eax] ; trigger exception
;program terminated if debugged
;process the exception
;continue the execution

(4) NtSetInformationThread
ntdll!NtSetInformationThread is a wrapper around the ZwSetInformationThread syscall. Its prototype is the following:
IN HANDLE ThreadHandle,
IN PVOID ThreadInformation,
IN ULONG ThreadInformationLength

When called with ThreadInformationClass set to 0x11 (ThreadHideFromDebugger constant), the thread will be detached from the debugger.

Similarly to ZwQueryInformationProcess, circumventing this anti-debug requires either modifying ZwSetInformationThread parameters before it's called, or hooking the syscall directly with the use of a kernel driver.

push 0
push 0
push 11h ;ThreadHideFromDebugger
push -2
call NtSetInformationThread
;thread detached if debugged

(5) kernel32!CloseHandle and NtClose

APIs making user of the ZwClose syscall (such as CloseHandle, indirectly) can be used to detect a debugger. When a process is debugged, calling ZwClose with an invalid handle will generate a STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE (0xC0000008) exception.

As with all anti-debugs that rely on information made directly available from the kernel (therefore involving a syscall), the only proper way to bypass the "CloseHandle" anti-debug is to either modify the syscall data from ring3, before it is called, or set up a kernel hook.

This anti-debug, though extremely powerful, does not seem to be widely used by malicious programs.

push offset @not_debugged
push dword fs:[0]
mov fs:[0], esp
push 1234h ;invalid handle
call CloseHandle
; if fall here, process is debugged

(6) Self-debugging

A process can detect it is being debugged by trying to debug itself, for instance by creating a new process, and calling kernel32!DebugActiveProcess(pid) on the parent process.

In turn, this API calls ntdll!DbgUiDebugActiveProcess which will call the syscall ZwDebugActiveProcess. If the process is already debugged, the syscall fails. Note that retrieving the parent process PID can be done with the toolhelp32 APIs (field th32ParentProcessID in the PROCESSENTRY32 structure.

(7) Kernel-mode timers

kernel32!QueryPerformanceCounter is an efficent anti-debug. This API calls ntdll!NtQueryPerformanceCounter which wraps the ZwQueryPerformanceCounter syscall.

Again, there is no easy way to circumvent this anti-tracing trick.

(8) User-mode timers

An API such as kernel32!GetTickCount returns the number of milliseconds ellapsed since the system started. The interesting thing is that it does not make use of kernel-related service to perform its duties. A user-mode process has this counter mapped in its address space. For 8Gb user-mode spaces, the value returned would be:

d[0x7FFE0000] * d[0x7FFE0004] / (2^24)

(9) kernel32!OutputDebugStringA

This anti-debug is quite original, I have encountered it only once, in files packed with ReCrypt v0.80. The trick consists of calling OutputDebugStringA, with a valid ASCII string. If the program is run under control of a debugger, the return value will be the address of the string passed as a parameter. In normal conditions, the return value should be 1.

xor eax, eax
push offset szHello
call OutputDebugStringA
cmp eax, 1
jne @DebuggerDetected

(10) Ctrl-C

When a console program is debugged, a Ctrl-C signal will throw a EXCEPTION_CTL_C exception, whereas the signal handler would be called directly is the program is not debugged.

push offset exhandler
push 1
call RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler
push 1
push sighandler
call SetConsoleCtrlHandler
push 0
call GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent
push 10000
call Sleep
push 0
call ExitProcess
;check if EXCEPTION_CTL_C, if it is,
;debugger detected, should exit process

- CPU anti-debug

(1) Rogue Int3

This is a classic anti-debug to fool weak debuggers. It consists of inserting an INT3 opcode in the middle of a valid sequence of instructions. When the INT3 is executed, if the program is not debugged, control will be given to the exception handler of the protection and execution will continue.

As INT3 instructions are used by debuggers to set software breakpoints, inserting INT3 opcodes can be used to trick the debugger into believing that it is one his breakpoints. Therefore, the control would not be given to the exception handler, and the course of the program would be modified. Debuggers should track where they set software breakpoints to avoid falling for this one.

Similarly, note that INT3 may be encoded as 0xCD, 0x03.

push offset @handler
push dword fs:[0]
mov fs:[0], esp
db 0CCh
;if fall here, debugged
;continue execution

(2) "Ice" Breakpoint

The so-called "Ice breakpoint" is one of Intel's undocumented instruction, opcode 0xF1. It is used to detect tracing programs.

Executing this instruction will generate a SINGLE_STEP exception. Therefore, if the program is already traced, the debugger will think it is the normal exception generated by executing the instruction with the SingleStep bit set in the Flags registers. The associated exception handler won't be executed, and execution will not continue as expected.
Bypassing this trick is easy: one can run over the instruction, instead and single-stepping on it. The exception will be generated, but since the program is not traced, the debugger should understand that it has to pass control to the exception handler.

push offset @handler
push dword fs:[0]
mov fs:[0], esp
db 0F1h
;if fall here, traced
;continue execution

(3) Interrupt 2Dh

Executing this interrupt if the program is not debugged will raise a breakpoint exception. If the program is debugged, and the instruction is not executed with the trace flag, no exception will be generated, and execution will carry on normally. If the program is debugged and the instruction traced, the following byte will be skipped, and execution will continue. Therefore, using INT 2Dh can be used as a powerful anti-debug and anti-tracer mechanism.
push offset @handler
push dword fs:[0]
mov fs:[0], esp
db 02Dh
mov eax, 1 ;anti-tracing
;continue execution

(4) Timestamp counters
High precision count

ers, storing the current number of CPU cycles executed since the machine started, can be queried with the RDTSC instruction. Classic anti-debugs consist of measuring time deltas at key points in the program, usually around exception handlers. If the delta is too large, that would mean the program runs under control of a debugger (processing the exception in the debugger, and giving control back to the debuggee is a lengthy task).

push offset handler
push dword ptr fs:[0]
mov fs:[0],esp
push eax
xor eax, eax
div eax ;trigger exception
sub eax, [esp] ;ticks delta
add esp, 4
pop fs:[0]
add esp, 4
cmp eax, 10000h ;threshold
jb @not_debugged
mov ecx, [esp+0Ch]
add dword ptr [ecx+0B8h], 2 ;skip div
xor eax, eax

(5) Popf and the trap flag

The trap flag, located in the Flags register, controls the tracing of a program. If this flag is set, executing an instruction will also raise a SINGLE_STEP exception. The trap flag can be manipulated in order to thwart tracers. For instance, this sequence of instructions will set the trap flag:

mov dword [esp], 0x100

If the program is being traced, this will have no real effect on the flags register, and the debugger will process the exception, believing it comes from regular tracing. The exception handler won't be executed. Circumventing this anti-tracer trick simply require to run over the pushf instruction.

(6) Stack Segment register

Here's a very original anti-tracer. I encountered it in a packer called MarCrypt. I believe it is not widely known, not to mention, used.
It consists of tracing over this sequence of instructions:

push ss
pop ss

When tracing over pop ss, the next instruction will be executed but the debugger will not break on it, therefore stopping on the following instruction (NOP in this case).
Marcrypt uses this anti-debug the following way:

push ss
; junk
pop ss
; junk
pop eax
and eax, 0x100
or eax, eax
jnz @debugged
; carry on normal execution

The trick here is that, if the debugger is tracing over that sequence of instructions, popf will be excuted implicitly, and the debugger will not be able to unset the trapflag in the pushed value on the stack. The protection checks for the trap flag and terminates the program if it's found.
One simple way to circumvent this anti-tracing is to breakpoint on popf and run the program (to avoid using the TF flag).

(7) Debug registers manipulation

Debug registers (DR0 through DR7) are used to set hardware breakpoints. A protection can manipulate them to either detect that hardware breakpoints have been set (and therefore, that it is being debugged), reset them or set them to particular values used to perform code checks later. A packer such as tElock makes use of the debug registers to prevent reverse-engineers from using them.
From a user-mode perspective, debug registers cannot be set using the privileged 'mov drx, ...' instruction. Other ways exist:

- An exception can be generated, the thread context modified (it contains the CPU registers at the time the exception was thrown), and then resumed to normal execution with the new context.

- The other way is to use the NtGetContextThread and NtSetContextThread syscalls (available in kernel32 with GetThreadContext and SetThreadContext).

Most protectors use the first, "unofficial" way.

push offset handler
push dword ptr fs:[0]
mov fs:[0],esp
xor eax, eax
div eax ;generate exception
pop fs:[0]
add esp, 4
;continue execution
mov ecx, [esp+0Ch] ;skip div
add dword ptr [ecx+0B8h], 2 ;skip div
mov dword ptr [ecx+04h], 0 ;clean dr0
mov dword ptr [ecx+08h], 0 ;clean dr1
mov dword ptr [ecx+0Ch], 0 ;clean dr2
mov dword ptr [ecx+10h], 0 ;clean dr3
mov dword ptr [ecx+14h], 0 ;clean dr6
mov dword ptr [ecx+18h], 0 ;clean dr7
xor eax, eax

(8) Context modification

As with debug registers manipulation, the context can also be used to modify in an unconventionnal way the execution stream of a program. Debuggers can get easily confused!
Note that another syscall, NtContinue, can be used to load a new context in the current thread (for instance, this syscall is used by the exception handler manager).

- Uncategorized anti-debug

(1) TLS-callback

This anti-debug was not so well-known a few years ago. It consists to instruct the PE loader that the first entry point of the program is referenced in a Thread Local Storage entry (10th directory entry number in the PE optional header). By doing so, the program entry-point won't be executed first. The TLS entry can then perform anti-debug checks in a stealthy way.
Note that in practice, this technique is not widely used.
Though older debuggers (including O

llyDbg) are not TLS-aware, counter-measures are quite easy to take, by the means of plugins of custom patcher tools.

(2) CC scanning

A common protection feature used by packers is the CC-scanning loop, aimed at detecting software breakpoints set by a debugger. If you want to avoid that kind of troubles, you may want to use either hardware breakpoints or a custom type of software breakpoint. CLI (0xFA) is a good candidate to replace the classic INT3 opcode. This instruction does have the requirements for the job: it raises a privileged instruction exception if executed by a ring3 program, and occupies only 1 byte of space.

(3) EntryPoint RVA set to 0

Some packed files have their entry point RVA set to 0, which means they will start executing 'MZ...' which corresponds to 'dec ebx / pop edx ...'.

This is not an anti-debug trick in itself, but can be annoying if you want to break on the entry-point by using a software breakpoint.

If you create a suspended process, then set an INT3 at RVA 0, you will erase part of the magic MZ value ('M'). The magic was checked when the process was created, but it will get checked again by ntdll when the process is resumed (in the hope of reaching the entry-point). In that case, an INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT exception will be raised.

If you create your own tracing or debugging tool, you will want to use hardware breakpoint to avoid this problem.

[3] Conclusion

Knowing anti-debugging and anti-tracing techniques (un)commonly used by malware or protectors is useful knowledge for a reverse-engineer. A program will always have ways to find it is run in a debugger - the same applies for virtual or emulated environments, but since ring3 debuggers are some of the most common analysis tools used, knowing common tricks, and how to bypass them, will always prove useful.

[4] Links

Portable Executable Tutorial, Matt Pietrek
Syscall Reference, The Metasploit Project
Undocumented Functions for MS Windows NT/2K
Intel Manuals
- Common exception codes - Microsoft Windows SDK, ntdll.h
- Status codes list (including common exception codes) - Microsoft Windows DDK, ntstatus.h
- Context Structures documentation - Microsoft Windows SDK, ntdll.h

[5] Data reference

- CONTEXT structure for IA32 processors
struct CONTEXT_IA32
// ContextFlags must be set to the appropriate CONTEXT_* flag
// before calling (Set|Get)ThreadContext
DWORD ContextFlags;

DWORD Dr0; // 04h
DWORD Dr1; // 08h
DWORD Dr2; // 0Ch
DWORD Dr3; // 10h
DWORD Dr6; // 14h
DWORD Dr7; // 18h


DWORD SegGs; // 88h
DWORD SegFs; // 90h
DWORD SegEs; // 94h
DWORD SegDs; // 98h

DWORD Edi; // 9Ch
DWORD Esi; // A0h
DWORD Ebx; // A4h
DWORD Edx; // A8h
DWORD Ecx; // ACh
DWORD Eax; // B0h

DWORD Ebp; // B4h
DWORD Eip; // B8h
DWORD SegCs; // BCh (must be sanitized)
DWORD EFlags; // C0h
DWORD Esp; // C4h
DWORD SegSs; // C8h

// CONTEXT_EXTENDED_REGISTERS (processor-specific)

- Process Environment Block structure (from The Wine Project)
struct PEB
BOOLEAN InheritedAddressSpace; // 00
BOOLEAN ReadImageFileExecOptions; // 01
BOOLEAN BeingDebugged; // 02
BOOLEAN SpareBool; // 03
HANDLE Mutant; // 04
HMODULE ImageBaseAddress; // 08
PPEB_LDR_DATA LdrData; // 0c
RTL_UPROCESS_PARAMETERS *ProcessParameters; // 10
PVOID SubSystemData; // 14
HANDLE ProcessHeap; // 18
PVOID /*PPEBLOCKROUTI*/ FastPebLockRoutine; // 20
PVOID /*PPEBLOCKROUTI*/ FastPebUnlockRoutine; // 24
ULONG EnvironmentUpdateCount; // 28
PVOID KernelCallbackTable; // 2c
PVOID EventLogSection; // 30
PVOID EventLog; // 34
PVOID /*PPEB_FREE_BLO*/ FreeList; // 38
ULONG TlsExpansionCounter; // 3c
PRTL_BITMAP TlsBitmap; // 40
ULONG TlsBitmapBits[2]; // 44
PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase; // 4c
PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap; // 50
PVOID *ReadOnlyStaticServerData; // 54
PVOID AnsiCodePageData; // 58
PVOID OemCodePageData; // 5c
PVOID UnicodeCaseTableData; // 60
ULONG NumberOfProcessors; // 64
ULONG NtGlobalFlag; // 68
BYTE Spare2[4]; // 6c
LARGE_INTEGER CriticalSectionTimeout; // 70
ULONG HeapSegmentReserve; // 78
ULONG HeapSegmentCommit; // 7c
ULONG HeapDeCommitTotalFreeTh; // 80
ULONG HeapDeCommitFreeBlockTh; // 84
ULONG NumberOfHeaps; // 88
ULONG MaximumNumberOfHeaps; // 8c
PVOID *ProcessHeaps; // 90
PVOID GdiSharedHandleTable; // 94
PVOID ProcessStarterHelper; // 98
PVOID GdiDCAttributeList; // 9c
PVOID LoaderLock; // a0
ULONG OSMajorVersion; // a4
ULONG OSMinorVersion; // a8
ULONG OSBuildNumber; // ac
ULONG OSPlatformId; // b0
ULONG ImageSubSystem; // b4
ULONG ImageSubSystemMajorVersion; // b8
ULONG ImageSubSystemMinorVersion; // bc
ULONG ImageProcessAffinityMask; // c0
ULONG GdiHandleBuffer[34]; // c4
ULONG PostProcessInitRoutine; // 14c
PRTL_BITMAP TlsExpansionBitmap; // 150
ULONG TlsExpansionBitmapBits[32]; // 154
ULONG SessionId; // 1d4

- Thread Environment Block structure (from The Wine Project)
struct TEB
NT_TIB Tib; // 000 Info block
PVOID EnvironmentPointer; // 01c
CLIENT_ID ClientId; // 020 PID,TID
PVOID ActiveRpcHandle; // 028
PVOID ThreadLocalStoragePointer; // 02c
PEB *Peb; // 030
DWORD LastErrorValue; // 034
ULONG CountOfOwnedCriticalSections; // 038
PVOID CsrClientThread; // 03c
PVOID Win32ThreadInfo; // 040
ULONG Win32ClientInfo[0x1f]; // 044
PVOID WOW32Reserved; // 0c0
ULONG CurrentLocale; // 0c4
ULONG FpSoftwareStatusRegister; // 0c8
PVOID SystemReserved1[54]; // 0cc
PVOID Spare1; // 1a4
LONG ExceptionCode; // 1a8
BYTE SpareBytes1[40]; // 1ac
PVOID SystemReserved2[10]; // 1d4
DWORD num_async_io; // 1fc
ULONG_PTR dpmi_vif; // 200
DWORD vm86_pending; // 204
DWORD pad6[309]; // 208
ULONG gdiRgn; // 6dc
ULONG gdiPen; // 6e0
ULONG gdiBrush; // 6e4
CLIENT_ID RealClientId; // 6e8
HANDLE GdiCachedProcessHandle; // 6f0
ULONG GdiClientPID; // 6f4
ULONG GdiClientTID; // 6f8
PVOID GdiThreadLocaleInfo; // 6fc
PVOID UserReserved[5]; // 700
PVOID glDispachTable[280]; // 714
ULONG glReserved1[26]; // b74
PVOID glReserved2; // bdc
PVOID glSectionInfo; // be0
PVOID glSection; // be4
PVOID glTable; // be8
PVOID glCurrentRC; // bec
PVOID glContext; // bf0
ULONG LastStatusValue; // bf4
UNICODE_STRING StaticUnicodeString; // bf8
WCHAR StaticUnicodeBuffer[261]; // c00
PVOID DeallocationStack; // e0c
PVOID TlsSlots[64]; // e10
LIST_ENTRY TlsLinks; // f10
PVOID Vdm; // f18
PVOID ReservedForNtRpc; // f1c
PVOID DbgSsReserved[2]; // f20
ULONG HardErrorDisabled; // f28
PVOID Instrumentation[16]; // f2c
PVOID WinSockData; // f6c
ULONG GdiBatchCount; // f70
ULONG Spare2; // f74
ULONG Spare3; // f78
ULONG Spare4; // f7c
PVOID ReservedForOle; // f80
ULONG WaitingOnLoaderLock; // f84
PVOID Reserved5[3]; // f88
PVOID *TlsExpansionSlots; // f94

- NtGlobalFlags

Way to detect who is spying you

GETTING SUM1'S IP Address How HAS Hacked Your PC First
open dos command,go to -(Start/Run/type "command" without inverted commas and hit enter),& in the MSDOS prompt,type:
netstat -a
(make sure you include the space in between the "t" and the "-a").

This command will show u the host name of the lamer and of course yours also ..your host name will be under local address and his wud be under foreign address.. note any suspicious name and every number u c after the host name under foreign address which is new and suspicious there(numbers are ports but i consider u totally unaware).
After ur done,now type
Netstat -an (again a space between "t" and "-an")

this will list all connections in numerical form, which makes it a lot easier to trace malicious users....Hostnames can be a little confusing if you don't know what you're doing (although they're easily understandable, as we shall see later). Also, by doing this, you can also find out what your own IP address is, which is always useful.

It wud look a bit like this

A New IP:Port -note that stuff
Now that you have a IP Address and a host name,type
tracert type IP address/Hostname here

write whole thing there.. that's after you write tracert give a space then type A New IP we found in last step.. give a / then write..Host name we found in first step.remember no port there to be added..
This will trace the lamer which is prolly using a Trojan on your computer to do what he wants..result will give u some ip addresses ..note all of them
now go to ip2location.com/free.asp
write ip addresses in the box and see where the ips belong to..some ips will give u ISPs like mtnl ... last IP wud be his IP ..now call Your or his ISP & inform dem abt it!DO RESPOND 2 DIS..
->Special Security Team

Mastering SQL Server 2008

As Microsoft’s bestselling database manager, SQL Server is highly flexible and customizable, and has excellent support—the 2008 version offers several significant new capabilities. This book offers accurate and expert coverage on the updates to SQL Server 2008 such as its enhanced security; the ability to encrypt an entire database, data files, and log files without the need for application changes; a scalable infrastructure that can manage reports and analysis of any size and complexity; and its extensive performance data collection. From the Back Cover Harness the Powerful New Features of SQL Server 2008 Whether you're a database administrator or application developer, this in-depth guide is your key to delivering improved data collection, storage, reporting, and security with SQL Server 2008. Mastering SQL Server 2008 brings you up to speed on architecture, installation, and configuration essentials, before moving to the step-by-step instruction you need for more advanced topics such as procedural programming, query optimization, how to use spatial data, SQL Server in the .NET world, and more. You'll master the extensive toolset, explore useful third-party tools, and most importantly, find out how to choose and use the right SQL Server features for the specific tasks you have. Coverage includes: Installing and configuring SQL Server 2008 Understanding SQL Server's place within the Microsoft architecture Making data reliably and efficiently available to your consumers Securing your data with SQL Server 2008's new Transparent Data Encryption feature Integrating XML technology into SQL Server Creating index architectures for maximum benefit and minimum cost Exploring new geometry and geography data types for today's businesses Maximizing data warehousing and business intelligence tools...

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Creating Games in C++: A Step-by-Step Guide

Do you love video games? Ever wondered if you could create one of your own, with all the bells and whistles? It’s not as complicated as you’d think, and you don’t need to be a math whiz or a programming genius to do it. In fact, everything you need to create your first game, “Invasion of the Slugwroths,” is included in this book and CD-ROM.

Author David Conger starts at square one, introducing the tools of the trade and all the basic concepts for getting started programming with C++, the language that powers most current commercial games. Plus, he’s put a wealth of top-notch (and free) tools on the CD-ROM, including the Dev-C++ compiler, linker, and debugger–and his own LlamaWorks2D game engine. Step-by-step instructions and ample illustrations take you through game program structure, integrating sound and music into games, floating-point math, C++ arrays, and much more. Using the sample programs and the source code to run them, you can follow along as you learn.
Bio: David Conger has been programming professionally for over 23 years. Along with countless custom business applications, he has written several PC and online games. Conger also worked on graphics firmware for military aircraft, and taught computer science at the university level for four years. Conger has written numerous books on C, C++, and other computer-related topics. He lives in western Washington State and has also published a collection of Indian folk tales.

VideoJak - IP Video Security Assessment Tool

What is VideoJak?

VideoJak is an IP Video security assessment tool that can simulate a proof of concept DoS against a targeted, user-selected video session and IP video phone. VideoJak is the first of its kind security tool that analyzes video codec standards such as H.264.

VideoJak works by first capturing the RTP port used in a video conversation and analyzing the RTP packets, collecting the RTP sequence numbers and timestamp values used between the phones. Then VideoJak creates a custom video payload by changing the sequence numbers and timestamp values used in the original RTP packets between the two phones. After the user selects a targeted phone to attack in an ongoing video session, VideoJak delivers the payload over the learned RTP port against the target. This attack results in severely degraded video and audio quality.

google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);


VideoJak is designed in consideration of todays UC infrastructure implementions in which QoS requirements dictate the separation of data and VoIP/Video into discrete networks or VLANs. VideoJak is a proof of concept security assessment tool that can be used to test video applications. Future versions of the tool will support more exciting features.


  • VLAN Discovery (CDP) and VLAN Hop
  • Call pattern tracking for SIP and SCCP signaling protocols
  • Audio codec (G.711u, G.722) and Video codec (H.263, H.264) support
  • Creates custom payload from H.263/H.264 packet capture
  • MitM functions and host management
  • Allows user to select ongoing video call from a menu
  • Allows user to select a targeted IP Phone for DoS within the video session
  • Enables the user to send the attack during an active, ongoing video call

google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);

You can download VideoJak here:


FBI Tools 11 in 1

FBI Tools 11 in 1 | 6.79 MB

This is a package of 11 useful tools used to investivate the computer, it is used by most of the investigating agency including the FBI to inspect, hack and analyze other computers. For most of the programs, there is no need to install them, they are portable...

This download includes:
-ADS Locator (Alternate Data Streams)
-Disc Investigator 1.4 (File-Slack-Analyze)
-Historian 1.4 (Browser Analyze)
-Live View 0.6 (System Analyze)
-MUI Cacheview 1.00 (Registry Analyze)
-Networkminer 0.85 (Network Analyze)
-Regripper 2.02 (Registry Analyze)
-Systemreport 2.54 (PC Analyze)
-USB-History R1 (USB-Stick-Analyze)
-Windows File Analyzer (File Analyze)
-Winpcap 4.02 (Network)


Autorun Protector [Old > Good]

Autorun Protector is a two way protection software that prevents your PC from infecting with autorun worms and also protecting your removable device from being infected from other sources. Hence, it decreases the spread of the worms. In addition, it also come with additional features like custom protected autorun.inf file, analysing/removing of autorun.inf & resolving drive opening issue

Protect Your PayPal Account from Hackers

Learn how to keep out hackers your PayPal account. With the ever growing popularity of PayPal, there are always people that want your money.

Protect Your PayPal Account by NEVER Opening Paypal Emails

One popular way that hackers are accessing PayPal is through email. Most people already know NOT to click a link in an email for their PayPal mail. Fake emails are supposed to be sent to spoof@ PayPal.com.

Do NOT ever open emails from PayPal. Do not open mails to see that a transaction occurred. Do not open mails that show you paid or anything. Everything that you need for financial record keeping for PayPal can be accessed directly from the PayPal site. You can print transaction logs directly from the PayPal site. You can print individual receipts from purchases and subscription payments directly from the site.

There is a hacker program that once you open an email, the program automatically retrieves your email password. Without your knowledge, the hacker sends a request to PayPal for lost password. PayPal then sends the new password information to the email. The hacker has your email password and can then automatically retrieve your PayPal password without your knowledge.

Keep the PayPal customer service number available. If an email has been received that the PayPal account has been compromised, it is best to talk to the customer service representatives instead of communicating via emails and on the PayPal site. Some emails state that the account has been compromised so that you will open that email. Once the email is opened it might be too late. These spoof emails are designed to create a panic and get you to click links inside the email. But the info that the hacker needs is given to them as soon as you open the email. Clicking the link just makes their job easier.

Protect Your PayPal Account by Calling Customer Service

If you open an email, call the PayPal customer service immediately. Tell them that your account was compromised. Ask for assistance on temporarily freezing the account until you can secure it again. Get the PayPal staff to help you secure your account.
By Mr Electroman

Knowledge of open access with port and protection from penetration

Rely on the strong program X Netstat Professional
X-NetStat Professional Program Features:
  • Display all TCP Connections & UDP listens
  • Connection Info: Addresses, Status, Ports, etc
  • Process Info: Show program EXE behind connections
  • Location Info: 1-Click Auto-WHOIS
  • System Info: Uptime, MAC Address, Workgroup, etc
  • Ability to Kill/Disconnect connections
  • Nuke Connections (mass kill)
  • DNS Cache for fast hostname resolution
  • Log XNS activity to file / Log Manager
  • Feature-Centric customizable toolbar
  • ViewBar & System Tray Access
  • Remote Access thru X-NetStat Web Server
  • Comprehensive Port Information Database
  • Get External IP address
  • Show In/Out Traffic Rates / LED traffic lights
  • 1-Click access to common DOS network commands
  • Banish Hostname (prevent outgoing connections)
  • Condition/Action Rules system
  • Print / Save Connection Table
  • Customize Columns & Toolbar buttons
  • Customize Status Bar
  • Customize External Programs
  • Customize Font & Appearance
  • Extensive set of configurable Options
  • Lookup Tools (WHOIS, TraceRoute, etc)
  • Net Stats (Interface, TCP, IP, ICMP, UDP)
  • Check for Updates
  • Assign addresses “friendly” names
  • Filter/Search Connections
  • Bulk IP Import Tool (resolve IP lists)
  • AutoRefresh & Pause buttons

~~Download Xnetstat Professional+Serial
Rar Pass:S-sec.BlogSpoT.coM
+ Added Google search buttons next to remote IP and hostname
+ Added -stealth command line parameter to run the program completely hidden.
+ Added -shutdown command line parameter to shut down the program.
+ Fixed the Lookup Tools window not appearing
By Mr electroman

backtrack 4 pre-release

هذا الملخّص غير متوفِّر. يُرجى النقر هنا لعرض المشاركة.

[RS] CyberXP Dark Edition V1

CyberXP Dark Edition V1 | 810 MB
Soucre........... Windows XP Professional
Release Name..... CyberXP Dark Edition
File Name........ CyberXP Dark Edition [v1]
Service Pack..... 3

Product Key...... NOT NEEDED
WGA.............. CRACKED
Genuine.......... Yes
Creater.......... Jcberry526
ISO Size......... 810MB
RAR Size......... 768MB
ISO FILE MD-5.... 776a5e6b35abeb8b7ea54da195b81ead

There has been about 30/40 reg tweaks done

5 Windows XP (Dark) themes added

- Internet Explorer 8
- Windows Media Player 11
- VLC Player
- WinRAR
- UniExtract
- PowerISO
- Notepad+
- NNS Genuine
- NET. Framework (All-In-One)
- LClock
- Klite Codec Pack
- Java 6
- Firefox 3.0.11
- DVD Shrink
- DVDFab
- ConvertXtoDVD
- CCleaner
- adobe Reader
- Adobe Flash Player

- Rainbar
- Styler
- TranBar
- TrueTransparency
- ViOrb
- ViStart
- Visual TaskTip
- WinFlip


Msn Free Domains

Selectionner ton nom de domaine msn puis clicker sur inscription ici
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الجمعة، 12 يونيو 2009

Royal stealer 2.0

اليوم النسخة الجديدة جاءت من الملكية ستيلير ، الأسبانية ستيلير من المقرر Sharky.
على عكس الصيغة السابقة الملكي ستيلير v1.0 ، وهذا يثير سجلات لخادم بروتوكول نقل الملفات ، وتجنب استخدام حسابات البريد الإلكتروني.

كما يضاف خيار نشر ستيلير آريز وEmule بها والتي تتيح لك اختيار لانقاذ ستيلير البدء النوافذ ، وهذا الخيار ليس دائما يوصى ، لأن كل ما يفعله هو ملء خادم بروتوكول نقل الملفات

ستيلير 2.0 الملكي (موقع رسمي)

Offsets locator by kox

Offsets locator est un autorun Kox créé qui contient une compilation des plus populaires outils de modification des fichiers exécutables pour les garder indétectables à l'antivirus.
Avec ces outils, suffit de faire un fichier indétectable à un quelconque virus qui utilise la méthode pour détecter les signatures de virus.

Le pack comprend les programmes suivants:
AAVTools 2008
AAVTools 2009
Devil AV 2.1
AVFucker 1.1.1
AVFucker 1.1.2
Et Hash cryptor Detector
OllyDRX Lite version FzF
Offset Locator v.3.0
RDG Packer Detector v0.6.6 2k8
SignatureZero espagnol
SignatureZero anglais
Dépaqueté tatou
Zenyth AV Too
Recommandons de toujours avoir à portée de main en particulier pour modifier crypters ou malware, et ne pas avoir à chercher un par un tous les outils.

Offsets repérage par Kox (rapidshare)
Offsets repérage par Kox (megaupload)
Pass: troyanosyvirus.com.ar

SYN Flood DoS

SYN Flood DoS est un programme créé par defc0n1 à un déni de service par l'inondation de paquets SYN. Ces paquets SYN les demandes de connexion, adresses IP source et sont fausses, et donc jamais fait la connexion et l'attend. Lorsque vous avez envoyé des milliers de demandes que le serveur est effondrée et ne pas accepter de nouvelles connexions.

Il est beaucoup plus efficace lorsqu'elle est faite en plusieurs attaques (DDoS)
- Ayant des milliers de tentatives de connexion à partir de l'IP et ils avaient plusieurs faux vrai (les agresseurs) est très compliqué ou de l'IDS le Gestionnaire système peut localiser les véritables agresseurs.
- Il est basé sur l'utilisation de Nmap Decoys
- Envoyer SYN 115 pour chaque numérisation, c'est-à-dire, environ toutes les demi-secondes selon la puissance de l'ordinateur et le réseau.

1 - Ouvrez le programme et espère que cette charge, à tous (parce que cela prend un peu de Nmap complète, et il est à décompresser et à charger tous les fichiers)
2 - Si c'est votre première fois que vous l'ouvrez et vous n'avez pas installé WinPCap vous verrez le texte suivant:

((ATTENTION! Il semble que vous n'avez pas installé WinPCap. Son nécessaires pour exécuter le DoS, voulez-vous l'installer maintenant? Y / N:))

Et nous, nous avons installé et à entrer
Si vous avez déjà installé et en donner N
3 - Vous avez dit d'entrer dans la cible (le but), puis mettre l'IP (par exemple ou DNS (http://www.sgae.es/) que vous voulez attaquer.
4 - Vous devez mettre le port à l'attaque. Si un site est Http (80), mais si vous voulez attaquer d'autres services tels que FTP (21) ou Telnet (23) ont mis à votre port. De toute évidence, le port doit être ouvert et d'écouter.
5 - Lorsqu'il est réglé à "l'objectif ;-) Posologie et descendre à partir de scans Nmap constamment, vous êtes attaqué à la victime

Le programme devrait être utilisé que pour tester leurs propres serveurs ou de réseaux, ces attaques peuvent être évitées.
Je recommande la recherche d'informations sur ces deux wikipedia vous pouvez le voir dans les fonctions de base en espagnol ou en anglais, mais plus précis.

SYN Flood DoS (rapidshare)
SYN Flood DoS (megaupload)
pass: troyanosyvirus.com.ar

الأربعاء، 10 يونيو 2009

facebook freezer

Royal Stealer v1.0e

> April 21st, 2009 ---

This is the latest version of the Stealer of Sharki, finished today. 2 were added gmail and hotmail accounts, just to enter the email used to send user data. Also corrected some bugs and it could be considered a stable version.


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SB-MSN 1.0

> April 20th, 2009 ---


<!-- -->


> April 20th, 2009 ---

MSN Chau is a program created by arhack based on the source of kizar, which makes it completely block MSN account as the program this asset.


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BioMSN Cracker 1.0

> April 20th, 2009 ---

I present the BioMSN cracker of Margera, a new program to crack msn passwords randomly.
What the program is basically a password to prove each of the email addresses (mail list) that are desired.
It is ideal for spammers or trashing people who do, where what matters is to post random passwords …

Clarified that the program used to crack msn passwords for specific, it is almost impossible to do that, because blocking hotmail accounts to 3 attempts.

The program is very simple to use, the download includes a text file called list, you must edit with Notepad, and insert in our mail list, in the form of a line by email. Eg:


Once you add all our email addresses list.txt to put a list of load and load all the addresses in the program.
You can also manually add one by typing the words MSN@msn.com mail and then click Add to add mail to the list.

And now only need to put a password to prove each of the mailing list, just to enter a password you use to know where we said password and click on MSN’s crack.
For example the first attempt at writing the password .. 123456789 click on MSN’s crack and the program began to test the password 123456789 in each of the emails below and mail to each gonna have that password! …

I recommend the program agreed with the Email spider gold filter and some post are so much a post to try, the more the better.
Some of the most used passwords are qwerty, asdasdasd, 123456789, 987654321, password, liverpool .. to end on a can with the other.


<!-- -->

Odesa MSN password Stealer 3

> April 20th, 2009 ---

MSN Password Stealer development is a program created by the Turkish Odessa, which capture MSN passwords stored in a remote pc and send via mail to the attacker. Or for those who already know, is a simple MSN Stealer.

To use it simply write the mail to arrive where the mails and passwords from victims, write the title that will give the message and click on “Build Stealer”, create a file called “Stealer” in the same folder as the builder . Then if they can be compressed with UPX, or encode it in RC4 or ASM.
Where have Stealer is ready to send the victim a few minutes and send the message to its users and passwords to the mail to be picked earlier.

file password :troyanosyvirus.com.ar


<!-- -->
> April 20th, 2009 ---

I present the second version of the Mass scheduled for Crypter Masangel a FUD Crypter today, with very basic catacteristicas:

-Supports EOF also detects

pssword file : troyanosyvirus.com.ar


<!-- -->

Tyv Encrypter

> April 20th, 2009 ---

Tyv Encrypter is a software based to encrypte your server is work great with poison and bifrost server

file information : password : troyanosyvirus.com.ar


<!-- -->

H4ckers usb Tooles

> April 20th, 2009 ---

This AIO pack includes:
USB to Ethernet Connector v2.4
USB Thief
USB CopyNotify v1.3.3
USB Safely Remove v.3.31.617
Password Protect USB v3.6.2
USB Smart Samsung Tool v1.12
ID USB Lock v1.2.2
USB Tolls info / Contents

info file : Password: www.dl4all.com


<!-- -->

No-ip Password Stealer

> April 20th, 2009 ---

no-ip password stealer

You can get the no ip email from the pc of vectime by oin to run >> execute and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vitalwerks\DUC search the value username and double clik you will see the email of no ip


after you found the email in teh same target HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vitalwerks\DUC

search the next value password and double click to edit you will see a password crypt ed on base 64 .

go to any onlinge web site make you an

64bit decrypter

and past the crypted password

click on decrypt and voiala !!! the password of the victim

if you are newbie you can also download this software and upload the 2 programs in to the victim pc run the setup program and you will found a password.txt file beside the setup program

more info just add me in to your msn list _os@9.cn



<!-- -->

Facebook Freezer

> April 20th, 2009 ---

facebook freezer is a software based to deactivate the account user so have fun ;)



Windows Anti-Debug Reference

This paper classifies and presents several anti-debugging techniques used on Windows NT-based operating systems. Anti-debugging techniques are ways for a program to detect if it runs under control of a debugger. They are used by commercial executable protectors, packers and malicious software, to prevent or slow-down the process of reverse-engineering. We'll suppose the program is analyzed under a ring3 debugger, such as OllyDbg on Windows platforms. The paper is aimed towards reverse-engineers and malware analysts. Note that we will talk purely about generic anti-debugging and anti-tracing techniques. Specific debugger detection, such as window or processes enumeration, registry scanning, etc. will not be addressed here.

[1] Intro

This paper classifies and presents several anti-debugging techniques used on Windows NT-based operating systems.
Anti-debugging techniques are ways for a program to detect if it runs under control of a debugger. They are used by commercial executable protectors, packers and malicious software, to prevent or slow-down the process of reverse-engineering.

We'll suppose the program is analyzed under a ring3 debugger, such as OllyDbg on Windows platforms. The paper is aimed towards reverse-engineers and malware analysts.
Note that we will talk purely about generic anti-debugging and anti-tracing techniques. Specific debugger detection, such as window or processes enumeration, registry scanning, etc. will not be addressed here.

[2] Anti-debugging and anti-tracing techniques

- Exploiting memory discrepancies

(1) kernel32!IsDebuggerPresent
IsDebuggerPresent returns 1 if the process is being debugged, 0 otherwise. This API simply reads the PEB!BeingDebugged byte-flag (located at offset 2 in the PEB structure).
Circumventing it is as easy as setting PEB!BeingDebugged to 0.
call IsDebuggerPresent
test eax, eax
jne @DebuggerDetected

(2) PEB!IsDebugged

This field refers to the second byte in the Process Environment Block of the process. It is set by the system when the process is debugged.
This byte can be reset to 0 without consequences for the course of execution of the program (it is an informative flag).

mov eax, fs:[30h]
mov eax, byte [eax+2]
test eax, eax
jne @DebuggerDetected

(3) PEB!NtGlobalFlags

When a process is created, the system sets some flags that will define how various APIs will behave for this program. Those flags can be read in the PEB, in the DWORD located at offset 0x68 (see the reference).
By default, different flags are set depending if the process is created under a debugger or not. If the process is debugged, some flags controlling the heap manipulation routines in ntdll will be set: FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_TAIL_CHECK, FLG_HEAP_ENABLE_FREE_CHECK and FLG_HEAP_VALIDATE_PARAMETERS.
This anti-debug can be bypassed by resetting the NtGlobalFlags field.

mov eax, fs:[30h]
mov eax, [eax+68h]
and eax, 0x70
test eax, eax
jne @DebuggerDetected

(4) Heap flags

As explained previously, NtGlobalFlags informs how the heap routines will behave (among other things). Though it is easy to modify the PEB field, if the heap does not behave the same way as it should when the process is not debugged, this could be problematic. It is a powerful anti-debug, as process heaps are numerous, and their chunks can be individually affected by the FLG_HEAP_* flags (such as chunk tails). Heap headers would be affected as well. For instance, checking the field ForceFlags in a heap header (offset 0x10) can be used to detect the presence of a debugger.

There are two easy ways to circumvent it:

- Create a non-debugged process, and attach the debugger once the process has been created (an easy solution is to create the process suspended, run until the entry-point is reached, patch it to an infinite loop, resume the process, attach the debugger, and restore the original entry-point).

- Force the NtGlobalFlags for the process that we want to debug, via the registry key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options": Create a subkey (not value) named as your process name, and under this subkey, a String value "GlobalFlags" set to nothing.

mov eax, fs:[30h]
mov eax, [eax+18h] ;process heap
mov eax, [eax+10h] ;heap flags
test eax, eax
jne @DebuggerDetected

(5) Vista anti-debug (no name)

Here's an anti-debug specific to Windows Vista that I found by comparing memory dumps of a program running with and without control of a debugger. I'm not sure of its realiability, but it's worth mentionning (tested on Windows Vista 32 bits, SP0, English version).

When a process is debugged, its main thread TEB, at offset 0xBFC, contains a pointer to a unicode string referencing a system dll. Moreover, the string follows this pointer (therefore, located at offset 0xC00 in the TEB). If the process is not debugged, the pointer is set to NULL and the string is not present.

call GetVersion
cmp al, 6
jne @NotVista
push offset _seh
push dword fs:[0]
mov fs:[0], esp
mov eax, fs:[18h] ; teb
add eax, 0BFCh
mov ebx, [eax] ; pointer to a unicode string
test ebx, ebx ; (ntdll.dll, gdi32.dll,...)
je @DebuggerNotFound
sub ebx, eax ; the unicode string follows the
sub ebx, 4 ; pointer
jne @DebuggerNotFound
;debugger detected if
it reaches this point


- Exploiting system discrepancies

(1) NtQueryInformationProcess
ntdll!NtQueryInformationProcess is a wrapper around the ZwQueryInformationProcess syscall. Its prototype is the following:

NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQueryInformationProcess(
IN HANDLE ProcessHandle,
OUT PVOID ProcessInformation,
IN ULONG ProcessInformationLength,
OUT PULONG ReturnLength

When called with ProcessInformationClass set to 7 (ProcessDebugPort constant), the system will set ProcessInformation to -1 if the process is debugged.
It is a powerful anti-debug, and there is no easy way to circumvent it. However, if the program is traced, ProcessInformation can be modified when the syscall returns.

Another solution is to use a system driver that would hook the ZwNtQueryInformationProcess syscall.
Circumventing NtQueryInformationProcess will bypass many anti-debug techniques (such as CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent or UnhandledExceptionFilter).

push 0
push 4
push offset isdebugged
push 7 ;ProcessDebugPort
push -1
call NtQueryInformationProcess
test eax, eax
jne @ExitError
cmp isdebugged, 0
jne @DebuggerDetected

(2) kernel32!CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent

This API takes two parameters: a process handle, and a pointer to a DWORD. If the call is successful, the DWORD value will be set to 1 if the process is being debugged.
Internally, this API calls ntdll!NtQueryInformationProcess with ProcessInformationClass set to ProcessDebugPort (7).

push offset isdebugged
push -1
call CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
test eax, eax
jne @DebuggerDetected

(3) UnhandledExceptionFilter

When an exception occurs, with Windows XP SP>=2, Windows 2003, and Windows Vista, the usual way the OS processes the exception is:

- If any, pass control to the per-process Vectored Exception Handlers.
- If the exception is not processed, pass the control to the per-thread top SEH handler, pointed by FS:[0] in the thread that generated the exception. SEH are chained and called in turn if the exception is not processed by the previous in the chain.
- If the exception has not been processed by any of the previous handlers, the final SEH handler (set by the system), will call kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter. This function will decide what it should do depending if the process is debugged or not.
- If it is not debugged, it will call the user-defined filter function (set via kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter).
- If it debugged, the program will be terminated.

The debugger detection in UnhandledExceptionFilter is made with ntdll!NtQueryInformationProcess.

push @not_debugged
call SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
xor eax, eax
mov eax, dword [eax] ; trigger exception
;program terminated if debugged
;process the exception
;continue the execution

(4) NtSetInformationThread
ntdll!NtSetInformationThread is a wrapper around the ZwSetInformationThread syscall. Its prototype is the following:
IN HANDLE ThreadHandle,
IN PVOID ThreadInformation,
IN ULONG ThreadInformationLength

When called with ThreadInformationClass set to 0x11 (ThreadHideFromDebugger constant), the thread will be detached from the debugger.

Similarly to ZwQueryInformationProcess, circumventing this anti-debug requires either modifying ZwSetInformationThread parameters before it's called, or hooking the syscall directly with the use of a kernel driver.

push 0
push 0
push 11h ;ThreadHideFromDebugger
push -2
call NtSetInformationThread
;thread detached if debugged

(5) kernel32!CloseHandle and NtClose

APIs making user of the ZwClose syscall (such as CloseHandle, indirectly) can be used to detect a debugger. When a process is debugged, calling ZwClose with an invalid handle will generate a STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE (0xC0000008) exception.

As with all anti-debugs that rely on information made directly available from the kernel (therefore involving a syscall), the only proper way to bypass the "CloseHandle" anti-debug is to either modify the syscall data from ring3, before it is called, or set up a kernel hook.

This anti-debug, though extremely powerful, does not seem to be widely used by malicious programs.

push offset @not_debugged
push dword fs:[0]
mov fs:[0], esp
push 1234h ;invalid handle
call CloseHandle
; if fall here, process is debugged

(6) Self-debugging

A process can detect it is being debugged by trying to debug itself, for instance by creating a new process, and calling kernel32!DebugActiveProcess(pid) on the parent process.

In turn, this API calls ntdll!DbgUiDebugActiveProcess which will call the syscall ZwDebugActiveProcess. If the process is already debugged, the syscall fails. Note that retrieving the parent process PID can be done with the toolhelp32 APIs (field th32ParentProcessID in the PROCESSENTRY32 structure.

(7) Kernel-mode timers

kernel32!QueryPerformanceCounter is an efficent anti-debug. This API calls ntdll!NtQueryPerformanceCounter which wraps the ZwQueryPerformanceCounter syscall.

Again, there is no easy way to circumvent this anti-tracing trick.

(8) User-mode timers

An API such as kernel32!GetTickCount returns the number of milliseconds ellapsed since the system started. The interesting thing is that it does not make use of kernel-related service to perform its duties. A user-mode process has this counter mapped in its address space. For 8Gb user-mode spaces, the value returned would be:

d[0x7FFE0000] * d[0x7FFE0004] / (2^24)

(9) kernel32!OutputDebugStringA

This anti-debug is quite original, I have encountered it only once, in files packed with ReCrypt v0.80. The trick consists of calling OutputDebugStringA, with a valid ASCII string. If the program is run under control of a debugger, the return value will be the address of the string passed as a parameter. In normal conditions, the return value should be 1.

xor eax, eax
push offset szHello
call OutputDebugStringA
cmp eax, 1
jne @DebuggerDetected

(10) Ctrl-C

When a console program is debugged, a Ctrl-C signal will throw a EXCEPTION_CTL_C exception, whereas the signal handler would be called directly is the program is not debugged.

push offset exhandler
push 1
call RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler
push 1
push sighandler
call SetConsoleCtrlHandler
push 0
call GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent
push 10000
call Sleep
push 0
call ExitProcess
;check if EXCEPTION_CTL_C, if it is,
;debugger detected, should exit process

- CPU anti-debug

(1) Rogue Int3

This is a classic anti-debug to fool weak debuggers. It consists of inserting an INT3 opcode in the middle of a valid sequence of instructions. When the INT3 is executed, if the program is not debugged, control will be given to the exception handler of the protection and execution will continue.

As INT3 instructions are used by debuggers to set software breakpoints, inserting INT3 opcodes can be used to trick the debugger into believing that it is one his breakpoints. Therefore, the control would not be given to the exception handler, and the course of the program would be modified. Debuggers should track where they set software breakpoints to avoid falling for this one.

Similarly, note that INT3 may be encoded as 0xCD, 0x03.

push offset @handler
push dword fs:[0]
mov fs:[0], esp
db 0CCh
;if fall here, debugged
;continue execution

(2) "Ice" Breakpoint

The so-called "Ice breakpoint" is one of Intel's undocumented instruction, opcode 0xF1. It is used to detect tracing programs.

Executing this instruction will generate a SINGLE_STEP exception. Therefore, if the program is already traced, the debugger will think it is the normal exception generated by executing the instruction with the SingleStep bit set in the Flags registers. The associated exception handler won't be executed, and execution will not continue as expected.
Bypassing this trick is easy: one can run over the instruction, instead and single-stepping on it. The exception will be generated, but since the program is not traced, the debugger should understand that it has to pass control to the exception handler.

push offset @handler
push dword fs:[0]
mov fs:[0], esp
db 0F1h
;if fall here, traced
;continue execution

(3) Interrupt 2Dh

Executing this interrupt if the program is not debugged will raise a breakpoint exception. If the program is debugged, and the instruction is not executed with the trace flag, no exception will be generated, and execution will carry on normally. If the program is debugged and the instruction traced, the following byte will be skipped, and execution will continue. Therefore, using INT 2Dh can be used as a powerful anti-debug and anti-tracer mechanism.
push offset @handler
push dword fs:[0]
mov fs:[0], esp
db 02Dh
mov eax, 1 ;anti-tracing
;continue execution

(4) Timestamp counters
High precision count

ers, storing the current number of CPU cycles executed since the machine started, can be queried with the RDTSC instruction. Classic anti-debugs consist of measuring time deltas at key points in the program, usually around exception handlers. If the delta is too large, that would mean the program runs under control of a debugger (processing the exception in the debugger, and giving control back to the debuggee is a lengthy task).

push offset handler
push dword ptr fs:[0]
mov fs:[0],esp
push eax
xor eax, eax
div eax ;trigger exception
sub eax, [esp] ;ticks delta
add esp, 4
pop fs:[0]
add esp, 4
cmp eax, 10000h ;threshold
jb @not_debugged
mov ecx, [esp+0Ch]
add dword ptr [ecx+0B8h], 2 ;skip div
xor eax, eax

(5) Popf and the trap flag

The trap flag, located in the Flags register, controls the tracing of a program. If this flag is set, executing an instruction will also raise a SINGLE_STEP exception. The trap flag can be manipulated in order to thwart tracers. For instance, this sequence of instructions will set the trap flag:

mov dword [esp], 0x100

If the program is being traced, this will have no real effect on the flags register, and the debugger will process the exception, believing it comes from regular tracing. The exception handler won't be executed. Circumventing this anti-tracer trick simply require to run over the pushf instruction.

(6) Stack Segment register

Here's a very original anti-tracer. I encountered it in a packer called MarCrypt. I believe it is not widely known, not to mention, used.
It consists of tracing over this sequence of instructions:

push ss
pop ss

When tracing over pop ss, the next instruction will be executed but the debugger will not break on it, therefore stopping on the following instruction (NOP in this case).
Marcrypt uses this anti-debug the following way:

push ss
; junk
pop ss
; junk
pop eax
and eax, 0x100
or eax, eax
jnz @debugged
; carry on normal execution

The trick here is that, if the debugger is tracing over that sequence of instructions, popf will be excuted implicitly, and the debugger will not be able to unset the trapflag in the pushed value on the stack. The protection checks for the trap flag and terminates the program if it's found.
One simple way to circumvent this anti-tracing is to breakpoint on popf and run the program (to avoid using the TF flag).

(7) Debug registers manipulation

Debug registers (DR0 through DR7) are used to set hardware breakpoints. A protection can manipulate them to either detect that hardware breakpoints have been set (and therefore, that it is being debugged), reset them or set them to particular values used to perform code checks later. A packer such as tElock makes use of the debug registers to prevent reverse-engineers from using them.
From a user-mode perspective, debug registers cannot be set using the privileged 'mov drx, ...' instruction. Other ways exist:

- An exception can be generated, the thread context modified (it contains the CPU registers at the time the exception was thrown), and then resumed to normal execution with the new context.

- The other way is to use the NtGetContextThread and NtSetContextThread syscalls (available in kernel32 with GetThreadContext and SetThreadContext).

Most protectors use the first, "unofficial" way.

push offset handler
push dword ptr fs:[0]
mov fs:[0],esp
xor eax, eax
div eax ;generate exception
pop fs:[0]
add esp, 4
;continue execution
mov ecx, [esp+0Ch] ;skip div
add dword ptr [ecx+0B8h], 2 ;skip div
mov dword ptr [ecx+04h], 0 ;clean dr0
mov dword ptr [ecx+08h], 0 ;clean dr1
mov dword ptr [ecx+0Ch], 0 ;clean dr2
mov dword ptr [ecx+10h], 0 ;clean dr3
mov dword ptr [ecx+14h], 0 ;clean dr6
mov dword ptr [ecx+18h], 0 ;clean dr7
xor eax, eax

(8) Context modification

As with debug registers manipulation, the context can also be used to modify in an unconventionnal way the execution stream of a program. Debuggers can get easily confused!
Note that another syscall, NtContinue, can be used to load a new context in the current thread (for instance, this syscall is used by the exception handler manager).

- Uncategorized anti-debug

(1) TLS-callback

This anti-debug was not so well-known a few years ago. It consists to instruct the PE loader that the first entry point of the program is referenced in a Thread Local Storage entry (10th directory entry number in the PE optional header). By doing so, the program entry-point won't be executed first. The TLS entry can then perform anti-debug checks in a stealthy way.
Note that in practice, this technique is not widely used.
Though older debuggers (including O

llyDbg) are not TLS-aware, counter-measures are quite easy to take, by the means of plugins of custom patcher tools.

(2) CC scanning

A common protection feature used by packers is the CC-scanning loop, aimed at detecting software breakpoints set by a debugger. If you want to avoid that kind of troubles, you may want to use either hardware breakpoints or a custom type of software breakpoint. CLI (0xFA) is a good candidate to replace the classic INT3 opcode. This instruction does have the requirements for the job: it raises a privileged instruction exception if executed by a ring3 program, and occupies only 1 byte of space.

(3) EntryPoint RVA set to 0

Some packed files have their entry point RVA set to 0, which means they will start executing 'MZ...' which corresponds to 'dec ebx / pop edx ...'.

This is not an anti-debug trick in itself, but can be annoying if you want to break on the entry-point by using a software breakpoint.

If you create a suspended process, then set an INT3 at RVA 0, you will erase part of the magic MZ value ('M'). The magic was checked when the process was created, but it will get checked again by ntdll when the process is resumed (in the hope of reaching the entry-point). In that case, an INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT exception will be raised.

If you create your own tracing or debugging tool, you will want to use hardware breakpoint to avoid this problem.

[3] Conclusion

Knowing anti-debugging and anti-tracing techniques (un)commonly used by malware or protectors is useful knowledge for a reverse-engineer. A program will always have ways to find it is run in a debugger - the same applies for virtual or emulated environments, but since ring3 debuggers are some of the most common analysis tools used, knowing common tricks, and how to bypass them, will always prove useful.

[4] Links

Portable Executable Tutorial, Matt Pietrek
Syscall Reference, The Metasploit Project
Undocumented Functions for MS Windows NT/2K
Intel Manuals
- Common exception codes - Microsoft Windows SDK, ntdll.h
- Status codes list (including common exception codes) - Microsoft Windows DDK, ntstatus.h
- Context Structures documentation - Microsoft Windows SDK, ntdll.h

[5] Data reference

- CONTEXT structure for IA32 processors
struct CONTEXT_IA32
// ContextFlags must be set to the appropriate CONTEXT_* flag
// before calling (Set|Get)ThreadContext
DWORD ContextFlags;

DWORD Dr0; // 04h
DWORD Dr1; // 08h
DWORD Dr2; // 0Ch
DWORD Dr3; // 10h
DWORD Dr6; // 14h
DWORD Dr7; // 18h


DWORD SegGs; // 88h
DWORD SegFs; // 90h
DWORD SegEs; // 94h
DWORD SegDs; // 98h

DWORD Edi; // 9Ch
DWORD Esi; // A0h
DWORD Ebx; // A4h
DWORD Edx; // A8h
DWORD Ecx; // ACh
DWORD Eax; // B0h

DWORD Ebp; // B4h
DWORD Eip; // B8h
DWORD SegCs; // BCh (must be sanitized)
DWORD EFlags; // C0h
DWORD Esp; // C4h
DWORD SegSs; // C8h

// CONTEXT_EXTENDED_REGISTERS (processor-specific)

- Process Environment Block structure (from The Wine Project)
struct PEB
BOOLEAN InheritedAddressSpace; // 00
BOOLEAN ReadImageFileExecOptions; // 01
BOOLEAN BeingDebugged; // 02
BOOLEAN SpareBool; // 03
HANDLE Mutant; // 04
HMODULE ImageBaseAddress; // 08
PPEB_LDR_DATA LdrData; // 0c
RTL_UPROCESS_PARAMETERS *ProcessParameters; // 10
PVOID SubSystemData; // 14
HANDLE ProcessHeap; // 18
PVOID /*PPEBLOCKROUTI*/ FastPebLockRoutine; // 20
PVOID /*PPEBLOCKROUTI*/ FastPebUnlockRoutine; // 24
ULONG EnvironmentUpdateCount; // 28
PVOID KernelCallbackTable; // 2c
PVOID EventLogSection; // 30
PVOID EventLog; // 34
PVOID /*PPEB_FREE_BLO*/ FreeList; // 38
ULONG TlsExpansionCounter; // 3c
PRTL_BITMAP TlsBitmap; // 40
ULONG TlsBitmapBits[2]; // 44
PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase; // 4c
PVOID ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap; // 50
PVOID *ReadOnlyStaticServerData; // 54
PVOID AnsiCodePageData; // 58
PVOID OemCodePageData; // 5c
PVOID UnicodeCaseTableData; // 60
ULONG NumberOfProcessors; // 64
ULONG NtGlobalFlag; // 68
BYTE Spare2[4]; // 6c
LARGE_INTEGER CriticalSectionTimeout; // 70
ULONG HeapSegmentReserve; // 78
ULONG HeapSegmentCommit; // 7c
ULONG HeapDeCommitTotalFreeTh; // 80
ULONG HeapDeCommitFreeBlockTh; // 84
ULONG NumberOfHeaps; // 88
ULONG MaximumNumberOfHeaps; // 8c
PVOID *ProcessHeaps; // 90
PVOID GdiSharedHandleTable; // 94
PVOID ProcessStarterHelper; // 98
PVOID GdiDCAttributeList; // 9c
PVOID LoaderLock; // a0
ULONG OSMajorVersion; // a4
ULONG OSMinorVersion; // a8
ULONG OSBuildNumber; // ac
ULONG OSPlatformId; // b0
ULONG ImageSubSystem; // b4
ULONG ImageSubSystemMajorVersion; // b8
ULONG ImageSubSystemMinorVersion; // bc
ULONG ImageProcessAffinityMask; // c0
ULONG GdiHandleBuffer[34]; // c4
ULONG PostProcessInitRoutine; // 14c
PRTL_BITMAP TlsExpansionBitmap; // 150
ULONG TlsExpansionBitmapBits[32]; // 154
ULONG SessionId; // 1d4

- Thread Environment Block structure (from The Wine Project)
struct TEB
NT_TIB Tib; // 000 Info block
PVOID EnvironmentPointer; // 01c
CLIENT_ID ClientId; // 020 PID,TID
PVOID ActiveRpcHandle; // 028
PVOID ThreadLocalStoragePointer; // 02c
PEB *Peb; // 030
DWORD LastErrorValue; // 034
ULONG CountOfOwnedCriticalSections; // 038
PVOID CsrClientThread; // 03c
PVOID Win32ThreadInfo; // 040
ULONG Win32ClientInfo[0x1f]; // 044
PVOID WOW32Reserved; // 0c0
ULONG CurrentLocale; // 0c4
ULONG FpSoftwareStatusRegister; // 0c8
PVOID SystemReserved1[54]; // 0cc
PVOID Spare1; // 1a4
LONG ExceptionCode; // 1a8
BYTE SpareBytes1[40]; // 1ac
PVOID SystemReserved2[10]; // 1d4
DWORD num_async_io; // 1fc
ULONG_PTR dpmi_vif; // 200
DWORD vm86_pending; // 204
DWORD pad6[309]; // 208
ULONG gdiRgn; // 6dc
ULONG gdiPen; // 6e0
ULONG gdiBrush; // 6e4
CLIENT_ID RealClientId; // 6e8
HANDLE GdiCachedProcessHandle; // 6f0
ULONG GdiClientPID; // 6f4
ULONG GdiClientTID; // 6f8
PVOID GdiThreadLocaleInfo; // 6fc
PVOID UserReserved[5]; // 700
PVOID glDispachTable[280]; // 714
ULONG glReserved1[26]; // b74
PVOID glReserved2; // bdc
PVOID glSectionInfo; // be0
PVOID glSection; // be4
PVOID glTable; // be8
PVOID glCurrentRC; // bec
PVOID glContext; // bf0
ULONG LastStatusValue; // bf4
UNICODE_STRING StaticUnicodeString; // bf8
WCHAR StaticUnicodeBuffer[261]; // c00
PVOID DeallocationStack; // e0c
PVOID TlsSlots[64]; // e10
LIST_ENTRY TlsLinks; // f10
PVOID Vdm; // f18
PVOID ReservedForNtRpc; // f1c
PVOID DbgSsReserved[2]; // f20
ULONG HardErrorDisabled; // f28
PVOID Instrumentation[16]; // f2c
PVOID WinSockData; // f6c
ULONG GdiBatchCount; // f70
ULONG Spare2; // f74
ULONG Spare3; // f78
ULONG Spare4; // f7c
PVOID ReservedForOle; // f80
ULONG WaitingOnLoaderLock; // f84
PVOID Reserved5[3]; // f88
PVOID *TlsExpansionSlots; // f94

- NtGlobalFlags

Way to detect who is spying you

GETTING SUM1'S IP Address How HAS Hacked Your PC First
open dos command,go to -(Start/Run/type "command" without inverted commas and hit enter),& in the MSDOS prompt,type:
netstat -a
(make sure you include the space in between the "t" and the "-a").

This command will show u the host name of the lamer and of course yours also ..your host name will be under local address and his wud be under foreign address.. note any suspicious name and every number u c after the host name under foreign address which is new and suspicious there(numbers are ports but i consider u totally unaware).
After ur done,now type
Netstat -an (again a space between "t" and "-an")

this will list all connections in numerical form, which makes it a lot easier to trace malicious users....Hostnames can be a little confusing if you don't know what you're doing (although they're easily understandable, as we shall see later). Also, by doing this, you can also find out what your own IP address is, which is always useful.

It wud look a bit like this

A New IP:Port -note that stuff
Now that you have a IP Address and a host name,type
tracert type IP address/Hostname here

write whole thing there.. that's after you write tracert give a space then type A New IP we found in last step.. give a / then write..Host name we found in first step.remember no port there to be added..
This will trace the lamer which is prolly using a Trojan on your computer to do what he wants..result will give u some ip addresses ..note all of them
now go to ip2location.com/free.asp
write ip addresses in the box and see where the ips belong to..some ips will give u ISPs like mtnl ... last IP wud be his IP ..now call Your or his ISP & inform dem abt it!DO RESPOND 2 DIS..
->Special Security Team

Mastering SQL Server 2008

As Microsoft’s bestselling database manager, SQL Server is highly flexible and customizable, and has excellent support—the 2008 version offers several significant new capabilities. This book offers accurate and expert coverage on the updates to SQL Server 2008 such as its enhanced security; the ability to encrypt an entire database, data files, and log files without the need for application changes; a scalable infrastructure that can manage reports and analysis of any size and complexity; and its extensive performance data collection. From the Back Cover Harness the Powerful New Features of SQL Server 2008 Whether you're a database administrator or application developer, this in-depth guide is your key to delivering improved data collection, storage, reporting, and security with SQL Server 2008. Mastering SQL Server 2008 brings you up to speed on architecture, installation, and configuration essentials, before moving to the step-by-step instruction you need for more advanced topics such as procedural programming, query optimization, how to use spatial data, SQL Server in the .NET world, and more. You'll master the extensive toolset, explore useful third-party tools, and most importantly, find out how to choose and use the right SQL Server features for the specific tasks you have. Coverage includes: Installing and configuring SQL Server 2008 Understanding SQL Server's place within the Microsoft architecture Making data reliably and efficiently available to your consumers Securing your data with SQL Server 2008's new Transparent Data Encryption feature Integrating XML technology into SQL Server Creating index architectures for maximum benefit and minimum cost Exploring new geometry and geography data types for today's businesses Maximizing data warehousing and business intelligence tools...

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Creating Games in C++: A Step-by-Step Guide

Do you love video games? Ever wondered if you could create one of your own, with all the bells and whistles? It’s not as complicated as you’d think, and you don’t need to be a math whiz or a programming genius to do it. In fact, everything you need to create your first game, “Invasion of the Slugwroths,” is included in this book and CD-ROM.

Author David Conger starts at square one, introducing the tools of the trade and all the basic concepts for getting started programming with C++, the language that powers most current commercial games. Plus, he’s put a wealth of top-notch (and free) tools on the CD-ROM, including the Dev-C++ compiler, linker, and debugger–and his own LlamaWorks2D game engine. Step-by-step instructions and ample illustrations take you through game program structure, integrating sound and music into games, floating-point math, C++ arrays, and much more. Using the sample programs and the source code to run them, you can follow along as you learn.
Bio: David Conger has been programming professionally for over 23 years. Along with countless custom business applications, he has written several PC and online games. Conger also worked on graphics firmware for military aircraft, and taught computer science at the university level for four years. Conger has written numerous books on C, C++, and other computer-related topics. He lives in western Washington State and has also published a collection of Indian folk tales.

VideoJak - IP Video Security Assessment Tool

What is VideoJak?

VideoJak is an IP Video security assessment tool that can simulate a proof of concept DoS against a targeted, user-selected video session and IP video phone. VideoJak is the first of its kind security tool that analyzes video codec standards such as H.264.

VideoJak works by first capturing the RTP port used in a video conversation and analyzing the RTP packets, collecting the RTP sequence numbers and timestamp values used between the phones. Then VideoJak creates a custom video payload by changing the sequence numbers and timestamp values used in the original RTP packets between the two phones. After the user selects a targeted phone to attack in an ongoing video session, VideoJak delivers the payload over the learned RTP port against the target. This attack results in severely degraded video and audio quality.

google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);


VideoJak is designed in consideration of todays UC infrastructure implementions in which QoS requirements dictate the separation of data and VoIP/Video into discrete networks or VLANs. VideoJak is a proof of concept security assessment tool that can be used to test video applications. Future versions of the tool will support more exciting features.


  • VLAN Discovery (CDP) and VLAN Hop
  • Call pattern tracking for SIP and SCCP signaling protocols
  • Audio codec (G.711u, G.722) and Video codec (H.263, H.264) support
  • Creates custom payload from H.263/H.264 packet capture
  • MitM functions and host management
  • Allows user to select ongoing video call from a menu
  • Allows user to select a targeted IP Phone for DoS within the video session
  • Enables the user to send the attack during an active, ongoing video call

google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);

You can download VideoJak here:


FBI Tools 11 in 1

FBI Tools 11 in 1 | 6.79 MB

This is a package of 11 useful tools used to investivate the computer, it is used by most of the investigating agency including the FBI to inspect, hack and analyze other computers. For most of the programs, there is no need to install them, they are portable...

This download includes:
-ADS Locator (Alternate Data Streams)
-Disc Investigator 1.4 (File-Slack-Analyze)
-Historian 1.4 (Browser Analyze)
-Live View 0.6 (System Analyze)
-MUI Cacheview 1.00 (Registry Analyze)
-Networkminer 0.85 (Network Analyze)
-Regripper 2.02 (Registry Analyze)
-Systemreport 2.54 (PC Analyze)
-USB-History R1 (USB-Stick-Analyze)
-Windows File Analyzer (File Analyze)
-Winpcap 4.02 (Network)


Autorun Protector [Old > Good]

Autorun Protector is a two way protection software that prevents your PC from infecting with autorun worms and also protecting your removable device from being infected from other sources. Hence, it decreases the spread of the worms. In addition, it also come with additional features like custom protected autorun.inf file, analysing/removing of autorun.inf & resolving drive opening issue

Protect Your PayPal Account from Hackers

Learn how to keep out hackers your PayPal account. With the ever growing popularity of PayPal, there are always people that want your money.

Protect Your PayPal Account by NEVER Opening Paypal Emails

One popular way that hackers are accessing PayPal is through email. Most people already know NOT to click a link in an email for their PayPal mail. Fake emails are supposed to be sent to spoof@ PayPal.com.

Do NOT ever open emails from PayPal. Do not open mails to see that a transaction occurred. Do not open mails that show you paid or anything. Everything that you need for financial record keeping for PayPal can be accessed directly from the PayPal site. You can print transaction logs directly from the PayPal site. You can print individual receipts from purchases and subscription payments directly from the site.

There is a hacker program that once you open an email, the program automatically retrieves your email password. Without your knowledge, the hacker sends a request to PayPal for lost password. PayPal then sends the new password information to the email. The hacker has your email password and can then automatically retrieve your PayPal password without your knowledge.

Keep the PayPal customer service number available. If an email has been received that the PayPal account has been compromised, it is best to talk to the customer service representatives instead of communicating via emails and on the PayPal site. Some emails state that the account has been compromised so that you will open that email. Once the email is opened it might be too late. These spoof emails are designed to create a panic and get you to click links inside the email. But the info that the hacker needs is given to them as soon as you open the email. Clicking the link just makes their job easier.

Protect Your PayPal Account by Calling Customer Service

If you open an email, call the PayPal customer service immediately. Tell them that your account was compromised. Ask for assistance on temporarily freezing the account until you can secure it again. Get the PayPal staff to help you secure your account.
By Mr Electroman

Knowledge of open access with port and protection from penetration

Rely on the strong program X Netstat Professional
X-NetStat Professional Program Features:
  • Display all TCP Connections & UDP listens
  • Connection Info: Addresses, Status, Ports, etc
  • Process Info: Show program EXE behind connections
  • Location Info: 1-Click Auto-WHOIS
  • System Info: Uptime, MAC Address, Workgroup, etc
  • Ability to Kill/Disconnect connections
  • Nuke Connections (mass kill)
  • DNS Cache for fast hostname resolution
  • Log XNS activity to file / Log Manager
  • Feature-Centric customizable toolbar
  • ViewBar & System Tray Access
  • Remote Access thru X-NetStat Web Server
  • Comprehensive Port Information Database
  • Get External IP address
  • Show In/Out Traffic Rates / LED traffic lights
  • 1-Click access to common DOS network commands
  • Banish Hostname (prevent outgoing connections)
  • Condition/Action Rules system
  • Print / Save Connection Table
  • Customize Columns & Toolbar buttons
  • Customize Status Bar
  • Customize External Programs
  • Customize Font & Appearance
  • Extensive set of configurable Options
  • Lookup Tools (WHOIS, TraceRoute, etc)
  • Net Stats (Interface, TCP, IP, ICMP, UDP)
  • Check for Updates
  • Assign addresses “friendly” names
  • Filter/Search Connections
  • Bulk IP Import Tool (resolve IP lists)
  • AutoRefresh & Pause buttons

~~Download Xnetstat Professional+Serial
Rar Pass:S-sec.BlogSpoT.coM
+ Added Google search buttons next to remote IP and hostname
+ Added -stealth command line parameter to run the program completely hidden.
+ Added -shutdown command line parameter to shut down the program.
+ Fixed the Lookup Tools window not appearing
By Mr electroman

backtrack 4 pre-release

هذا الملخّص غير متوفِّر. يُرجى النقر هنا لعرض المشاركة.

[RS] CyberXP Dark Edition V1

CyberXP Dark Edition V1 | 810 MB
Soucre........... Windows XP Professional
Release Name..... CyberXP Dark Edition
File Name........ CyberXP Dark Edition [v1]
Service Pack..... 3

Product Key...... NOT NEEDED
WGA.............. CRACKED
Genuine.......... Yes
Creater.......... Jcberry526
ISO Size......... 810MB
RAR Size......... 768MB
ISO FILE MD-5.... 776a5e6b35abeb8b7ea54da195b81ead

There has been about 30/40 reg tweaks done

5 Windows XP (Dark) themes added

- Internet Explorer 8
- Windows Media Player 11
- VLC Player
- WinRAR
- UniExtract
- PowerISO
- Notepad+
- NNS Genuine
- NET. Framework (All-In-One)
- LClock
- Klite Codec Pack
- Java 6
- Firefox 3.0.11
- DVD Shrink
- DVDFab
- ConvertXtoDVD
- CCleaner
- adobe Reader
- Adobe Flash Player

- Rainbar
- Styler
- TranBar
- TrueTransparency
- ViOrb
- ViStart
- Visual TaskTip
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Royal stealer 2.0

اليوم النسخة الجديدة جاءت من الملكية ستيلير ، الأسبانية ستيلير من المقرر Sharky.
على عكس الصيغة السابقة الملكي ستيلير v1.0 ، وهذا يثير سجلات لخادم بروتوكول نقل الملفات ، وتجنب استخدام حسابات البريد الإلكتروني.

كما يضاف خيار نشر ستيلير آريز وEmule بها والتي تتيح لك اختيار لانقاذ ستيلير البدء النوافذ ، وهذا الخيار ليس دائما يوصى ، لأن كل ما يفعله هو ملء خادم بروتوكول نقل الملفات

ستيلير 2.0 الملكي (موقع رسمي)

Offsets locator by kox

Offsets locator est un autorun Kox créé qui contient une compilation des plus populaires outils de modification des fichiers exécutables pour les garder indétectables à l'antivirus.
Avec ces outils, suffit de faire un fichier indétectable à un quelconque virus qui utilise la méthode pour détecter les signatures de virus.

Le pack comprend les programmes suivants:
AAVTools 2008
AAVTools 2009
Devil AV 2.1
AVFucker 1.1.1
AVFucker 1.1.2
Et Hash cryptor Detector
OllyDRX Lite version FzF
Offset Locator v.3.0
RDG Packer Detector v0.6.6 2k8
SignatureZero espagnol
SignatureZero anglais
Dépaqueté tatou
Zenyth AV Too
Recommandons de toujours avoir à portée de main en particulier pour modifier crypters ou malware, et ne pas avoir à chercher un par un tous les outils.

Offsets repérage par Kox (rapidshare)
Offsets repérage par Kox (megaupload)
Pass: troyanosyvirus.com.ar

SYN Flood DoS

SYN Flood DoS est un programme créé par defc0n1 à un déni de service par l'inondation de paquets SYN. Ces paquets SYN les demandes de connexion, adresses IP source et sont fausses, et donc jamais fait la connexion et l'attend. Lorsque vous avez envoyé des milliers de demandes que le serveur est effondrée et ne pas accepter de nouvelles connexions.

Il est beaucoup plus efficace lorsqu'elle est faite en plusieurs attaques (DDoS)
- Ayant des milliers de tentatives de connexion à partir de l'IP et ils avaient plusieurs faux vrai (les agresseurs) est très compliqué ou de l'IDS le Gestionnaire système peut localiser les véritables agresseurs.
- Il est basé sur l'utilisation de Nmap Decoys
- Envoyer SYN 115 pour chaque numérisation, c'est-à-dire, environ toutes les demi-secondes selon la puissance de l'ordinateur et le réseau.

1 - Ouvrez le programme et espère que cette charge, à tous (parce que cela prend un peu de Nmap complète, et il est à décompresser et à charger tous les fichiers)
2 - Si c'est votre première fois que vous l'ouvrez et vous n'avez pas installé WinPCap vous verrez le texte suivant:

((ATTENTION! Il semble que vous n'avez pas installé WinPCap. Son nécessaires pour exécuter le DoS, voulez-vous l'installer maintenant? Y / N:))

Et nous, nous avons installé et à entrer
Si vous avez déjà installé et en donner N
3 - Vous avez dit d'entrer dans la cible (le but), puis mettre l'IP (par exemple ou DNS (http://www.sgae.es/) que vous voulez attaquer.
4 - Vous devez mettre le port à l'attaque. Si un site est Http (80), mais si vous voulez attaquer d'autres services tels que FTP (21) ou Telnet (23) ont mis à votre port. De toute évidence, le port doit être ouvert et d'écouter.
5 - Lorsqu'il est réglé à "l'objectif ;-) Posologie et descendre à partir de scans Nmap constamment, vous êtes attaqué à la victime

Le programme devrait être utilisé que pour tester leurs propres serveurs ou de réseaux, ces attaques peuvent être évitées.
Je recommande la recherche d'informations sur ces deux wikipedia vous pouvez le voir dans les fonctions de base en espagnol ou en anglais, mais plus précis.

SYN Flood DoS (rapidshare)
SYN Flood DoS (megaupload)
pass: troyanosyvirus.com.ar

facebook freezer

Royal Stealer v1.0e

> April 21st, 2009 ---

This is the latest version of the Stealer of Sharki, finished today. 2 were added gmail and hotmail accounts, just to enter the email used to send user data. Also corrected some bugs and it could be considered a stable version.


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SB-MSN 1.0

> April 20th, 2009 ---


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> April 20th, 2009 ---

MSN Chau is a program created by arhack based on the source of kizar, which makes it completely block MSN account as the program this asset.


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BioMSN Cracker 1.0

> April 20th, 2009 ---

I present the BioMSN cracker of Margera, a new program to crack msn passwords randomly.
What the program is basically a password to prove each of the email addresses (mail list) that are desired.
It is ideal for spammers or trashing people who do, where what matters is to post random passwords …

Clarified that the program used to crack msn passwords for specific, it is almost impossible to do that, because blocking hotmail accounts to 3 attempts.

The program is very simple to use, the download includes a text file called list, you must edit with Notepad, and insert in our mail list, in the form of a line by email. Eg:


Once you add all our email addresses list.txt to put a list of load and load all the addresses in the program.
You can also manually add one by typing the words MSN@msn.com mail and then click Add to add mail to the list.

And now only need to put a password to prove each of the mailing list, just to enter a password you use to know where we said password and click on MSN’s crack.
For example the first attempt at writing the password .. 123456789 click on MSN’s crack and the program began to test the password 123456789 in each of the emails below and mail to each gonna have that password! …

I recommend the program agreed with the Email spider gold filter and some post are so much a post to try, the more the better.
Some of the most used passwords are qwerty, asdasdasd, 123456789, 987654321, password, liverpool .. to end on a can with the other.


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Odesa MSN password Stealer 3

> April 20th, 2009 ---

MSN Password Stealer development is a program created by the Turkish Odessa, which capture MSN passwords stored in a remote pc and send via mail to the attacker. Or for those who already know, is a simple MSN Stealer.

To use it simply write the mail to arrive where the mails and passwords from victims, write the title that will give the message and click on “Build Stealer”, create a file called “Stealer” in the same folder as the builder . Then if they can be compressed with UPX, or encode it in RC4 or ASM.
Where have Stealer is ready to send the victim a few minutes and send the message to its users and passwords to the mail to be picked earlier.

file password :troyanosyvirus.com.ar


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> April 20th, 2009 ---

I present the second version of the Mass scheduled for Crypter Masangel a FUD Crypter today, with very basic catacteristicas:

-Supports EOF also detects

pssword file : troyanosyvirus.com.ar


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Tyv Encrypter

> April 20th, 2009 ---

Tyv Encrypter is a software based to encrypte your server is work great with poison and bifrost server

file information : password : troyanosyvirus.com.ar


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H4ckers usb Tooles

> April 20th, 2009 ---

This AIO pack includes:
USB to Ethernet Connector v2.4
USB Thief
USB CopyNotify v1.3.3
USB Safely Remove v.3.31.617
Password Protect USB v3.6.2
USB Smart Samsung Tool v1.12
ID USB Lock v1.2.2
USB Tolls info / Contents

info file : Password: www.dl4all.com


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No-ip Password Stealer

> April 20th, 2009 ---

no-ip password stealer

You can get the no ip email from the pc of vectime by oin to run >> execute and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vitalwerks\DUC search the value username and double clik you will see the email of no ip


after you found the email in teh same target HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vitalwerks\DUC

search the next value password and double click to edit you will see a password crypt ed on base 64 .

go to any onlinge web site make you an

64bit decrypter

and past the crypted password

click on decrypt and voiala !!! the password of the victim

if you are newbie you can also download this software and upload the 2 programs in to the victim pc run the setup program and you will found a password.txt file beside the setup program

more info just add me in to your msn list _os@9.cn



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Facebook Freezer

> April 20th, 2009 ---

facebook freezer is a software based to deactivate the account user so have fun ;)


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